Everyday Life

Everyday Life

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Eventually, everything connects

So it's 11:18 at night and I am feeling encouraged to start a blog. I am not sure how this blog is going to turn out, but I figure it is something fun to do!
I found this quote on Tumblr and it says, "Eventually, everything connects." And I can't help but think how much this apply's to my life today. I am a junior in high school with a 4.0 GPA and an amazing boyfriend. This past year has been an emotional roller coaster and I can only thank God, my parents, and my boyfriend for shaping me into the young lady I am today!
I wen't from being so sad at the beginning of the year to being so happy now at the end. Hunter (my boyfriend) has taken a huge roll in this process. We have been together for 6 months now and we are stronger than ever.
I wen't from being always reliant on my parents to a girl who is starting to become independent. My parents have taught me life lessons that I will always be thankful for. They wan't me to succeed in life and only see the best person I can be. They are preparing me for the big world where I will have to make grown up decisions and deal with people I am not used to. They are my backbone and I am grateful to have them in this important time in my life.
And finally I wen't from being hesitant toward God to being fully aware and accepting. I accepted Christ on Easter this year and that was the best decision of my life. Since then I have started my own youth group and attend church as much as possible! None of this would have been possible without God being there for me, even when I wasn't sure he was there.
All in all this year has been pretty amazing so far and finally I see- "Eventually, everything connects."

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